Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. South Carolina Spine Center in New Frontiers Episode March 1st Bloomberg.
South Carolina Spine Center, based in Greenwood, South Carolina, has been at the forefront of advancing neurosurgical and cervical spine procedures. With Dr. Michael Kilburn leading the charge, the center has become synonymous with precision, expertise, and a patient-first approach. Dr. Kilburn’s work in artificial disc replacement and minimally invasive surgical techniques is not just refining procedures—it’s transforming patient outcomes and expanding treatment possibilities for those suffering from complex spinal conditions.
This episode of New Frontiers takes an in-depth look at the science and dedication behind these medical breakthroughs. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of how Dr. Kilburn and the South Carolina Spine Center are working to enhance patient mobility, reduce recovery times, and elevate the standards of neurosurgical care.
Gina Grad Returns as Host
Adding to the episode’s impact, Planet TV Studios is pleased to welcome back Gina Grad as host. Known for her engaging style and deep storytelling abilities, Gina has built a reputation as a compelling media personality, author, and podcast host. Best recognized for her role on The Adam Carolla Show and her acclaimed children’s book about blended families, My Extra Mom, she brings an insightful and relatable perspective to the program. Her ability to connect with both audiences and featured experts ensures that New Frontiers remains a captivating and thought-provoking series.
About Planet TV Studios
Planet TV Studios continues to produce compelling programming that shines a light on industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators. Through New Frontiers, the company delivers in-depth stories that inform and inspire, introducing audiences to the professionals shaping the future of their respective fields.
Don’t miss this compelling look into the next chapter of spinal surgery and patient care. Tune in to New Frontiers on March 1st and March 29th, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST on Bloomberg.
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Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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