Slovakia faces two European Commission legal cases in March

Slovakia faces two European Commission legal cases in March

The European Commission (EC) announced on Wednesday what legal action it is taking against Member States that fail to comply with their obligations under EU law. It is taking two legal actions against Slovakia in March, one each in the economic and political spheres, TASR reports.

In the area of energy and climate, the European Commission has sent reasoned opinions to Slovakia, Belgium, Estonia, Croatia and Poland, inviting them to send their final updated national energy and climate plans to Brussels. This legal procedure is not completed due to the non-submission of the final integrated national energy and climate plans.

In the policy area, Slovakia and Finland were issued with a reasoned opinion because they have not fully transposed the Directive on procedural safeguards for children in criminal proceedings into their national law. If the two countries fail to remedy the situation within two months, the EC may refer their cases to the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

Source: TASR

Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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